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The largest galabia brand in the world

Gallabia is a brand of urban, comfortable and fashionable galabeyas, in spectacular designs, quality fabrics and colorful handmade fabrics. The brand emphasizes a sense of release, femininity and sea fragrance loved by women of all ages.

The challenge

Gallabia were interested in building a new website that fits the design and style of their products. What more, Gallabia wanted to increase their traffic, user engagement and followers, while maintaining the quality of the leads. In other words, they are interested in engaging with real people, who have a true interest in fashion.

Our game plan

Our website developers worked together with the design department to get to know in depth the urban fashion market, as well as the unique product nature of Galbia, in order to build the right website for the brand. As for social networks, we decided to build a smart and efficient bot for Gallabia that simulates user activity in a smart way, while making adjustments and characterization according to Gallabia's needs. By doing so, we managed to interest a large quantity of people who were interested in Gallabia’s domain - The urban fashion world - that were unaware of the Gallabia brand.

The results

With the right targeting and understanding of Gallabia’s target audience, we increased the traffic, their online store’s daily orders, and of course - Gallabia’s followers’ numbers skyrocketed! - as of this writing, they have 23.5K followers on Instagram (!!) and counting, followed by a large number of likes, shares and comments!


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